Tuesday, June 06, 2006

How Funky is your Chicken? - The Jackson 5

As part of my never-ending quest to develop a stomach that would make David Hasselhoff jealous instead of David Wells, I've been moving towards a healthier regimen. This has included biking (170km so far, well below the respectable total of 330 posted by Crick), squash (I sit at 2-0 against Kevin) and tennis (I sit at 0-3 against Kenny).

Next step is cutting out the cheeseburgers. I have to admit... ground meats that contain no named part of the animal and make most vegetarians near suicidal are my cocaine. Only with more harmful side effects. So say good-bye to those delicious burgers with the processed cheesefood filling... au revoir Mr. Johnsville and your delightful honey garlic bratwurst... toodles to the charming No-Name pizza pockets that contain meat-like items.

Instead, it's the discount produce section - $7.26 for 16oz of button mushrooms, 1 green pepper, 1 red pepper, 8 plum tomatoes, 6 apples, 1 green Tomato that I thought was a Granny Smith apple and some funky lettuce-wrap crossbreed dealies - and hello boneless, skinless chicken breasts. Dinner tonight was baked chicken with diced tomato wrapped in lettuce and drizzled with a bit of Ranch dressing, along with some sliced tomato. And a banana for dessert.

Next step: 16km round trip bike to New Minas, another attempt at 8 Minute Abs - long live 80s spandex-clad instructers - and then a nice collapse into bed so Im ready for my 6am bike ride tomorrow.

Oh? And my thesis? That little thing that SHOULD be my focus? Meh.... maybe later.

EDIT: That chicken picture freaks the ever-loving crap out of me. Im keeping it up out of fear that if I don't, I may incur it's wrath.


At 7:56 p.m., Blogger Cricket said...

But mine's done in some hefty (think 35km) chunks. If you're riding every/every other day, more power to ya. Besides, I won't have a bike for July or August, I'll have a canoe instead, and it's far more difficult to paddle 30k than ride it!

Go Oilers! (PLEASE!)


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