Monday, June 05, 2006

Bittersweet Dirt off your Shoulder - Jay-Z & The Verve

After I unleashed a profanity laced tirade at the administration that was triggered by, among other things, the expected delay in the posting of the Dean's List... they posted it at precisely midnight on the 31st of May/1st of June juncture. This means I owe them a grudging, but fair, apology. So administration - you have been granted a stay of execution. Well played.

And for those keeping score at home, did I make the Dean's List? Hells. Yes.

And I've also discovered the greatest song trend in the history of the universe. This makes the Beatles look like the Bangles and ABBA like Aqua. It's called 'mash-ups'.

I'm sure that 90% of you (so... what, 5 people) have heard of these before. I, on the other hand, have not. Effectively, take two songs - often of different styles - and mix them together. It's like a remix or a sample in many cases, but sometimes they blend the lyrics as well and it makes for d*mn fine listening. Examples:

Nelly and Lynard Skynyrd: Sweet Home Country Grammar
Missy Elliott and George Michales: Get Ur Faith On
Green Day, Oasis and Aerosmith: Boulevard of Broken Songs (w/ Wonderwall and Dream On)
Nelly and Green Day: Country Basket
Jay-Z and The Verve: Bittersweet Dirt off your Shoulder

Oh: And (18km biking + morning illness + apple juice)/Nicole being fast on a bike = Ugh. Go Math.


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