Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Ode to Joy - Trans-Siberian Orchestra Cover

Today feels like a good kind of day. I was up early to go out biking, and even though I got my ass kicked by Nicole (surprise, surprise), we still finished the course in 45 minutes - with her taking her sweet time waiting for me, while I laboured well in the back.

Saw a cute girl on the run as I was just thinking that I needed some kind of tangible sign that God didn't, in fact, hate me and want me to die using a cunning combination of slipping gears, hacking cough, back spasms and Hennigar's Hill. Well done, big Guy.

Sabres won in OT. Jays won in regulation. Argos signed Ricky. Raptors got the number one pick. Sweet Fanny Adams... if only the Leafs now do something right, it's going to look as if the Toronto sports scene won't, in fact, cause my blood pressure to rise again.

I had a banana. That's less exciting... but still. Mmmmm... bananananana.

EDIT: Eeeeewww... I just accidentally ate moldy bread. How the h*ll does bread go mouldy in the d*mn freezer?!


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