Saturday, May 20, 2006

Help! - The Beatles

Is this blatant theftery of an image from someone else's page? Of course it is!! But hey, as long as I cite (Ezmy) I should be legal - by the rules of the ever-incredible academic world.
So what, I hear you ask (if I listen REALLY hard to the voices in my head), could someone as amazingly charming, witty and gorgeous as I have to be freaking out over?
The same damn things as usual.
I biked 18km in the pouring rain last night, only to realize at around the 16km mark it was a really bad idea - and at that point I was already so heavily invested in the ride, you can't really call it quits. Then, as per usual, I went to the market this morning. Hung out with the tofudabeasts... and it was good, but strained. Again.
Two thoughts: One) Why can't I let well enough alone? Two) Conversely, what the hell do I need to do?!
So as Lennon said... "Help!"


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