Monday, May 22, 2006

I am a Rock - Simon and Garfunkel

This, really, is the ultimate goal - only without the bizzaro white strappy underwear thing. Who wears that, really? I suppose with abs like that, he can wear whatever he wants. Admittedly... I wear whatever I want as well, but I only do so when I'm wearing ear-plugs as an accessory. I can only hear so many snide comments about my unique taste in colour blending.

Regardless. This summer, short of finishing my thesis and exploring and discovering Norway, I hope to actually develop and maintain a healthier lifestyle. Food, exercise, sleep patterns, emotions... the whole 9 yards.

Incidentally - the whole 9 yards as a saying comes from the military, when airplane mounted guns shot chains of bullets 9 yards long. Thus, to give an enemy craft the whole 9 yards was to shoot the ever-loving heck out of it, or 'give it your all'. The more you know...

Back on topic. Such exertions have included 130+ kilometers on my bike so far, a new regimen of squash games, and meals such as tonight's lightly braised pork served over a bed of mushrooms and green peppers with tomato sauce. Can you taste the healthy? For my 'late-night snack' I had apple juice and halved pears. In light syrup. The last time that I spent this much time preparing and thinking about health was when I was 2 months old and sleep and food were ALL that existed on my mind.

The long and the short of it is that right now, I've got the energy level of a dead molerat in winter. When do I start to get the benefits? When I'm 50? If this continues than maybe it won't matter that I'm still facing a couple of red flashing zeroes (Norway, thesis) because I won't have the gumption to make strides even if I could.


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