Sunday, May 21, 2006

Hungry - Paul Revere and the Raiders

For the first time, really, since I moved off campus I decided to do something somewhat gourmet of my own. While dessert at the BBQ only whetted my appetite, and then the chicken guacamole wraps and asparagus, not to mention the chicken and veggies with cheese sauce from Shannon were amazing, they all shared one thing in common: it was because of someone else that I was happy and content, with my appetite temporarily satisfied.

Today - ohhh baby. Different story. I had a leftover red pepper that I decided to break my toaster oven in on. Rosated red peppers with terriyaki noodes, including carrot slivers, was amazzzzing. It's one thing to be at Meal Hall and have them slice, dice and serve it up nice - but to actually be moving and cooking in a kitchen again is enjoyable.

Now I just have to see how many of the recipes from Jester's I can remember... the short answer, I'm afraid, is few. Hopefully, though, patience will bring stuff back to me, and this time - by writing it down, perhaps - I'll actually be able to keep it within easy reach, not just in a happy little corner of my memory.

Now... what to have for dinner? And dessert?


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