Thursday, July 06, 2006

On My Own - Les Miserables

Things I've learned since moving off-campus...

1) When you happen to mention in passing that your favourite flowers are tigerlillies, they start blooming in front of your door. This requires no effort, no planting, no watering, weeding, pruning or fertilization. They just appear. True story.
1b) Those aren't tigerlillies. They're daylillies.

2) Garlic powder, oregano, basil and cayenne pepper basically cover off all possible food dishes. I've used them to flavour sandwiches, pastas, roasted mushrooms, potato salad, chicken breast, fish and roast potatos. So far. Great potato salad? Yukon gold, celery, dill pickle, hard boiled egg, cayenne, basil, garlic, mayo and honey mustards.

3) Laundry very rarely disappears if you ignore it and shove it a bag. I've also learned that towels need to be washed very often, despite the fact they're primarily used on clean people. This is an unexplained mystery paralelled only by that of Keith Richards' continuing life.

4) Bugs. Are. The. Devil. And when attempting to combat them, placing the ant-trap on a wall so they can't climb in is probably not the most effective of solutions.

5) It's exactly 1.03 km from my front door to the entrance of the BAC.

6) Dirty dishes can reproduce and multiply amoeba-like, whereas clean ones are actually undergoing a constant Darwinian process in the cupboard. Through careful observation, I've noticed the strongest plates and mugs team up and devour the side plates and juice glasses, ensuring that there are NEVER any available when I have a guest over.

7) The best way to ensure you well is to never, ever allow yourself to buy anything that looks like it may take less than 4 minutes to prepare. I have no food in my house. Only ingrediants.

8) Sometimes when one hears an insect buzzing 3 inches from one's ear, and yet can't see it, it's better not to assume it's a hornet hell-bent on killing you, and that the best course of action is to dive off your computer chair, through your lamp, into a barrel roll and come up swinging a piece of dowling while emitting a shriek of the pitch normally reserved for calling dogs. It's hard to look tough that way. And it sometimes turns out to be just a June Bug, which is about as threatening as a Swiffer.

9) Unlike residence, the odds are I won't be woken up by someone at 3am, while they attempt to paddle a kayak down the hall.

10) Regardless of above sentiment, it is actually possible to want to be up at 3am talking to someone. Every night. For 2 months. And then be completely unable to revert to any kind of sleep normalcy when they leave.


At 12:43 p.m., Blogger lycradog said...

Underestimating june bugs is the kind of behaviour that'll get a guy killed. By a june bug.

At 11:30 a.m., Blogger radmama said...

those are daylilies...

At 12:30 p.m., Blogger Chris Rivers said...

Oh. I knew that. No. I didn't.


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