Thursday, August 17, 2006

Summer - Vivaldi

Diving in head first - or, if I don't get my legs around, slapping into the water back first - was pretty well the M.O. of this summer. Let's see what kind of examples I can dig up and squirrel into the title, shall we, while providing a convienient grade for myself. Feel free to follow along and provide grades yourself.

Thesis - A- One chapter finished and successful. One chapter due the 27th of August which will also meet those requirements. I have also managed to successfully include Eddie Izzard and Terry Pratchett quotes. It's a good thing that human rights is such an easy topic that no one takes TOO seriously... wait a minute... my thesis advisor is on the line.

SSS - D+ Hmmm... hard to get a mark on. There's no doubt that the 'sober' aspect failed miserably. I mean, have you ever even heard of George St.? Staying sober there is harder than cutting through diamond with a marhsmallow. On the other hand, that first 'S' ended up being adhered to rather closely, post-May or so, depending on definitions. I would say average at best. Though, yet again, it appears that even that first 'S' may have some difficulty. Okay - too many variables, I sucked at SSS.

Travel - A I mean, how can I not like hitchhiking for the first time, all through Newfoundland? One guy gave me a lift from Gander all the way down to St. John's (4 hour ride, for those playing the home game), and I managed to not get shot while walking through Shea Heights towards Cape Spear. Aylesford Lake, the Gaspereau Winery, Huntsville ON and a trip to the 'Fax round out the list. None too shabby.

Healthiness - B This question is like Colbert's truthiness... a question of exactly how much honesty is about to come forward. I started out well on my bike, racking up significant kilometerage, then declined as mornings became too... morning-y. While in NS I generally ate well and exercized lots... Lost about 30 pounds. Then stupid Newfoundland and its stupid fried food came along... and I ballooned back up another 10, which is where I still sit. Roughly. Eating better, though, and exercizing more are definite themes of the summer, so a decent mark.

Quest for True Love, Happiness and the Secret to Eternal Youth - A Wouldn't you like to know?

Hmm... summer gets a good rating overall. And the best part is, with Colin on his way back tonight and things looking up with another new friend, summer's rating can only go up from here.


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