Saturday, September 16, 2006

Ahead by a Century - Tragically Hip

I meant to include a picture with this one, but for whatever reason Blogger said "No!". I assume they've been taken over by a small hoarde of enraged waterfowl, intent on restriction of civil liberties. They have begun by witholding photo-posting privileges. Clearly they are jerks.

1. My full name is Christopher Charles Rivers.
2. I wanted to be known as “Charlie” for a brief period of time last year.
3. Less than two dozen people, who aren’t related to me, call me “Chris”.
4. I’m technically a 21-year-old male.
5. According to many, I’m actually a 14-year-old girl.
6. Sappy, romantic movies hold more attraction to me then people being blown up.
7. I often cry in the movies, and try very hard to hide it.
8. St. Ives Apricot facial scrub is currently rocking my world.
9. I am endlessly concerned about my weight.
10. I’m not gay.
11. I have four peers I would trust with my life.
12. I have two I would trust with my deepest secret.
13. I would trust Ian Breneman with anything bigger than either of those two.
14. I had 3 major life goals in Grade 10: attend university, have sex, see the Maple Leafs win a Stanley Cup.
15. I don’t believe 66% is a good mark. On anything.
16. I have met three people I consider marrying.
17. I have told two of them this.
18. I used to fall in love too easily.
19.Now I worry I’ll never fall in love again.
20. I’m afraid that 100 things about me is way too narcissistic.
21. I hate it when people talk about my love life without me there to correct them, or provide insight.
22. I hate it even more when people call me a manwhore.
23. I dislike one-night stands, but kinda like short flings.
24. I can name every girl I’ve ever kissed.
25. I was described as ‘grounded’ and ‘subtle’ by one of them.
26. I have never used either of those words to describe me publicly.
27. Nor, I imagine, has anyone else.
28. She was correct on both counts.
29. I expect no one reading this to believe either me or her.
30. I am too competitive for my own good.
31. I haven’t lost at Scrabble in a long, long time.
32. I am terrible at poker, mostly since I can’t bluff.
33. I vastly prefer brutal, painful, soul-rending honesty to even the most well-intentioned of white lies.
34. I can get over anything, if people are honest. I can’t if they’re not.
35. I run at about 99% honesty, 1% failed attempt at concealing things.
36. I am about as good with my hands as a retarded chimpanzee.
37. I once put together a Wal-Mart bought bookcase 7 different incorrect ways, before dumb luck prevailed.
38. I will make excuses to postpone everything else I’m doing, if I have a book I’m intense on.
39. Without any exaggeration, owing to Australia, speed reading and a day off, I was probably the first person in the world to finish the most recent Harry Potter book.
40. I chose my thesis by choosing my thesis supervisor, and picking a topic she’d like.
41. She transferred to another school.
42. I still love my topic.
43. I want to get a law degree and a Master’s, and there’s only one program I’m seriously considering.
44. I still am unsure about the idea of living in Ottawa.
45. I have the best family life I’ve ever heard of.
46.I’ve said that before on this blog.
47. I feel bad for people who can’t call their parents or siblings to ask anything at any time.
48. My biggest concern in life is that someone will think I’m using them.
49. I have met people who learned this, and used it against me.
50. Traveling in Australia made me more relaxed, easy-going and willing to go with the flow.
51. I’m having trouble finding my place living off-campus.
52. I miss being able to visit anyone I knew in less than 3 minutes.
53. I don’t miss being woken up at 3am by fire alarms, kayaks or vomiting.
54. I love being recognized when I walk around campus.
55. Senior admin knows me well enough to ridicule me when I’m making a walk of shame.
56. I don’t know whether to be proud of that, or worried.
57. I still can’t believe that I get paid to announce varsity sports events.
58. I spend more time reading about sports than I do for school.
59. I wonder if this means I’m doing the wrong thing.
60. I have posed with Paul Martin, kissed Amanda Marshall and had a phone interview with Paul Henderson.
61. None compared to meeting Peter Zezel at the Georgetown Mall.
62. I’m not actually a Conservative, but I am actually a conservative.
63. I don’t expect you to get the distinction.
64. If you do, I’ll probably see you in class this week some time.
65. I voted and campaigned NDP in the last provincial election.
66. Kids with skateboards have always terrified me.
67. I’m not politically correct.
68. I often have trouble talking with people who are.
69. People who use personal experiences in intellectual debates are often setting themselves up to be hurt.
70. People who hold grudges because of that are foolish.
71. Formal, structured debating in Canada is full of fools.
72. I very rarely win arguments, despite often winning debates.
73. I think sex is overrated.
74. I think making out is awesome.
75. The best kiss of my life was my first kiss ever.
76. I wish girls would just be open with guys on all counts.
77. The converse holds true.
78. I would walk roughly three kilometers, at 2am, in the middle of winter, to see a girl I liked.
79. Professors Duke, Pyrcz, Franceschet (both) and Dennis are people I want to emulate.
80. I love sports – playing, watching, following.
81. I’m good at Ultimate, good at squash, good at baseball.
82. I’m crap at soccer, crap at tennis, crap at basketball.
83. I once did an organized 10km race on a whim.
84. I did it in 0:56:22 in hiking boots, a mesh-back ball cap and Hawaiin clothing.
85. I want my first male kid’s name to be Kalten Charles Rivers.
86. Clifford Charles Rivers is also acceptable.
87. I don’t have any ideas for female names, but ‘Katie’ probably figures into it somewhere.
88. I want my wife to take my last name. A lot.
89. I don’t care that makes me seem backwards and obtuse.
90. I was born in Ontario, but consider myself East Coast because I chose to live here.
91. I wish I had been born in Newfoundland.
92. I love Scouts and being a Scout leader.
93. Anyone who thinks that Scouts is lame just had crappy leaders.
94. I shudder to think that one day my younger brother will be bigger than me.
95. I love to sing songs loudly and badly as they play on my computer.
96. This often leads to me being startled by people coming up behind me.
97. When that happens, I may chase them around the house with a frying pan.
98. White wine is in, red wine is out.
99. I can’t stand smoking, cheating or hypocrisy.
100. Ian best summed me up when he said "Rivers makes a lot of stupid mistakes, but always has the best of intentions."


At 4:34 p.m., Blogger Kristen said...



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